Friday, February 18, 2011

40 years

Tomorrow Doug and I will celebrate our 40th anniversary. WOW!! It is a wonderful thing to still be in love, more today than ever, with the husband of my youth.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Fun with Grandkids

My grandchildren are some of the most wonderful little people on the planet. They are each one unique and full of their own special personality. They bring so much joy into my life. It seems that my own children kept me so busy that the time with them was over way too soon. Now with new little ones around I am once again enjoying, and remembering, the pleasure of watching them, interacting with them and loving them. Below are some pictures of these amazing children. Enjoy!

Here is Josie having fun in Grandma's pantry bowling with the plastic Perrier bottles. She also tried out the dog food and decided it's not that good. Amy and some of Heidi's friends gave a 'sprinkle' for baby Eleanor. It was a fun day to celebrate the new baby who will now be one of the best dressed babies in town. Last Sunday we went to San Diego for Henry's dedication service. He was quite handsome in his bow tie (made by Julie) and button up shirt. It was a blessing to be part of the service. The whole family is invited onto the stage. My Dad was there. He dedicated Jon. I was overwhelmed with God's goodness as I stood with my father, son and grandson and thought of God's faithfulness through the generations. Maddie trying on Henry's bow tie. Josie is at the stage where she really likes to help. She does things like swiffer the floors, help polish the furniture, bring wipes for Ella and even help Grandma build cabinets.