Sunday, January 17, 2010

You have to agree, they are cute!!! -- Part Two

Christmas morning starts with a BIG breakfast. We had eggs, ebelskivers, sausages, fruit, sticky rolls and plenty of coffee, tea and juice. Once we finished filling up, it was time to open presents. There is no rush on Christmas morning so we thoroughly enjoy the process of sharing our gifts with each other. Since we didn't even start breakfast until around 9:30 a.m., then gifts beginning around 10:30, the morning was over before we finished. Then, it's a quite afternoon of playing with the gifts, taking naps, watching the game or whatever we choose before heading out to the Lindley family gathering. Here are some pictures from Christmas day.

The sign says "This is NOT a gift." Doug wrapped this gift, wrote the tag and can give you the whole story. It turned out that is actually was a gift and Jon loved it.

Presents are fun no matter if you really understand the whole concept or not.
Maddie was happy to share the doggy with Jo.

After gifts, Julie, Rachel and Amy talked Heidi into teaching them to knit. Heidi proved to be a good teacher and they all managed to knit the beginnings of a very short scarf. Rachel was getting the hang of it with just a little encouragement from Heidi. Hans had gone for a run and was now watching the game while Amy continued to practice knitting. A lull in the Christmas activites is the perfect opportunity for a nap and we now have the perfect couches for the above mentioned nap. Really, they are so CUTE!! Grandpa and Maddie Jo. I love the girls pigtails and applaud their mothers for getting those teeny tiny rubber bands into their hair. Second cousins Maddie and Sophie enjoying their gifts.
Christmas was SO fun!

You have to agree, they are cute!!!

Uncle David and Aunt Rachel finally get to meet Josephine. She is very happy to have more people to love her and think she is one of the cutest kids anywhere.
When we went to the park one day and tried to get some pictures of Jo and Maddie together. Josie has quite the lower lip pout which comes in very handy to express her displeasure at life. Maddie is definitely not responsible for the pout and disclaiming all knowledge of whatever it is that made Jo unhappy. Three of my girls with their babies at the park and looking so cute. First, here is Heidi and Josephine, and then Julie and Madeleine, and finally, Rachel and Timber.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

2010 - A New Year, A New Decade

I love new beginnings. That means that I love mornings and Mondays and the first of the month and the first of the year. Each of these moments means that I can do better what I didn't do well yesterday or last week or last year. This is also the opportunity to continue and grow in those areas that are going well. This is the time for renewal.

One of my goals (I don't make New Year's resolutions because they just don't work) is to make this a year of renewal. The last couple of years have been filled with so much that my mind and emotions have been on overload. That has resulted in a dullness of spirit. I feel like there has been little that I have done to my best in the past couple of years. Mostly I've just been hanging on for the ride and dealing with what I could handle and letting everything else just percolate in the back of my mind. This year I want to move ahead with intention. I do have some plans such as reading through the Bible using my mom's favorite Bible filled with her notes and comments. I want to continue on my quest for better health and a lower weight. Family, church commitments and friends all are part of my intentionality. However, my goal is to keep a balance in my outside commitments. Enough to be involved and ministering but not so many that nothing is being done well. God has created me to be a creative person and I have learned that I need to be creating. This feeds my soul in a unique way so I plan to schedule time into my week to pursue my creative self.

When this year comes to a close and I look back I want to see renewal of spirit, soul, body, and mind. Although this is not a New Year's resolution, it is an intention that I plan to keep.