Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Traveling to Kenya was about working at Amani and our day with World Vision. The bulk of our time was spent in those endeavors and we were all truly blessed with our opportunities to serve. In the midst of that work God gave us the amazing experience of going on safari. Over the weekend we flew to the Masai Mara which is in the south west portion of Kenya right on the Tanzanian border. Our flight took about 45 minutes and was an experience in and of itself. The rather steep landing took us all by surprise. The hotel was wonderful and the food delicious. Even though we had only been working for a week at Amani, we were ready for a break and a chance to relax. Here we are at the Wilson airport outside of Nairobi with our laminated boarding cards waiting for our flight.
We are on safari!! Notice the giraffes in the background. This is our first day out and we are having a ball. Already we have seen elephants, zebra, wildebeest, gazelle, impalas, giraffe, and lions. It is so fun we can hardly contain ourselves. This lone female lion was on the hunt. Our vehicle parked in a great spot to observe her movements. She was searching in holes and looking for dinner. We quietly watched and snapped pictures as she came closer and closer to us. Ultimately she walked within feet of my spot in the vehicle creating some consternation with some in our car. It was awesome. Another of the big cats, this family of cheetahs posed for us. They are beautiful animals with the tear marks on their faces and grand posture. We also saw a leopard crouched in a tree. My pictures of it are terrible but I do have some just to prove I finally saw a leopard. Elephants are one of my favorite animals in Africa and I never tire of observing them in the wild. When we landed at the Masai Mara there was a small herd near the runway. We first spotted them before landing and then had a close up view as we drove to our hotel. The airport is visible in the background. It's a dirt runway with a covered area to wait for the plane. Giraffes are fascinating creatures to watch. They move with such fluidity and grace for a rather awkward animal. It was great fun to be able to pet and feed them at the Giraffe center. I'll include a picture of that on another blog. This crocodile was at least 12 feet long and we were standing not more than 10 feet away. Okay, we were on top of a steep bank so it felt safe. Pretty cool.